Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Prayer Meeting

When I was young . . . I laughed at my friends who had to attend church on SUNDAY NIGHT and WEDNESDAY NIGHT!

I was dragged reluctantly, from time to time, to Sunday morning services, but I thought it was cruel and unusual punishment to observe Sunday night and Wednesday night. However, my point of view changed in May of 1970. I not only became a believer in Jesus . . . I also became a 3-services-a-week (or more) Southern Baptist.

One of the first things I learned as a new disciple of Jesus was that every Wednesday night our church met for choir practice and Prayer Meeting.

Most Southern Baptist Churches in the world today still have a mid-week service . . . and a wide range of different kinds of activities take place.  Probably all of them are good and wholesome.

But I feel a longing in my own heart for the return of Prayer Meeting, so, I want to lead our family of faith to renew its commitment to a time that is dedicated (in whole, or in part) to praying together.

Leaders most often stir their brains for ideas to change services, programs, order, or content . . . but great leaders seek to change people . . . and change lives.

Come to Prayer Meeting on Wednesday nights at Walnut Grove Baptist Church.

I’m not asking that we change the way we do Wednesday night Church . . . if you are not a part of what we do on Wednesday nights . . . I’m asking YOU to change.

We will voice prayer requests, consult our running prayer list, add to it or take from it, update it.

And we will pray together.

We may or may not have a Bible Study, or music, or watch a video, or have a devotional thought, or a message, or have a guest speaker, or have a meal.  But we will pray together.

Whatever we do, or whatever ELSE we do . . . if we pray together . . . would that be worthy of your time?


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